5 Strategies for Managing Post-College Depression
You spend your childhood hearing you have to work hard and get good grades so you can get into college, so that's exactly what you do. You fill your time with study sessions and application-boosting extracurricular activities.
How to Help Young People Through the Process Grief
Grief is a complex, yet very common human response. It’s a natural and universal response to loss and sickness.
Attachment Styles and Dating: Making the Connection
When it comes to dating, there are a lot of excuses we can come up with as to why dating is hard or relationships don’t work out. It’s easy to point the finger at the other person or some arbitrary detail.
What Is A Quarter Life Crisis?
You’ve probably heard it before, someone is going through a “quarter-life” crisis. For some, it it can be a running joke if someone in your life does something outside their normal routine. For others, it can signify a monumental life change.
Why You Aren't Alone If You're Scared About Going To College
From the outside, college can seem like a land of academics and budding young professionals ready to take life by the reins. Even though it’s everyone else’s first year, too, you somehow still feel like a fish out of water on a campus of land creatures.
How To Deal With Anxiety When Choosing A College Major
Picking a college major can feel like the beginning of a journey or a death sentence to a life you don’t even know. How can you pick a field of study when picking a new backpack feels stressful enough?
How Does Social Media Fuel Perfectionism?
Comparing yourself to the photo and making assumptions about someone’s life only encourages you to overthink your own. Even on the days of your best social posts, what was happening behind the scenes that wasn’t going so great?
Common Reasons Why Young Adults Experience Anxiety About Adulting
Entering adulthood is often heralded as an exciting journey filled with newfound independence, opportunities, and self-discovery. However, for many young adults, the prospect of adulting can trigger a wave of anxiety.
How to Cope With “Adulting” Anxiety
It's common for people to feel anxious about getting older. After all, we are human and often do not embrace change.