Teen Counseling

Has Your Child Withdrawn From You?

Does your preteen or teen exhibit behaviors that cause concern? Have their grades begun to slip or have they lost interest in the activities they once enjoyed? Are you unsure how best to help them, especially if they have become withdrawn and won’t talk to you about what’s wrong?

Perhaps your once happy-go-lucky child has become more withdrawn and less communicative. You may suspect that a recent life transition—such as divorce or changing schools—is the culprit. Or maybe the reasons they are struggling are unclear and you are left to speculate what may be wrong. As you try to understand what’s behind their change in demeanor, you may notice they seem depressed, anxious, and isolated. 

Your Child May Be Grappling With Self-Esteem

Maybe you’re concerned about how much time your child spends online and how it affects their mood. Perhaps intense pressure surrounding their outward appearance has resulted in worries over body image. If they have experienced bullying, they may be dealing with trauma or low self-esteem. If they are turning to unhealthy outlets to cope—such as self-harm, substances, or risky behavior—you may be worried about where it will lead.

If your child is asserting their independence or relying more heavily on their peer group for input and validation, you may feel like you have less influence than you once did. Without the ability to connect with your child in familiar ways, you might feel helpless to intervene.

Fortunately, teen counseling offers your child an encouraging and supportive environment to gain self-awareness and build confidence. In therapy for teens, they will learn positive decision-making and coping skills that not only address their present concerns but will also set them up for success as adults.

Adolescence Can Be A Challenging Phase For Our Kids

The statistics are sobering. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), an estimated 5 million adolescents in the U.S. have had at least one major depressive episode. That means 20 percent of American teenagers may experience depression before reaching adulthood. [1] 

Considering the turbulent nature of adolescence—it’s the fastest phase in human development punctuated by rapid growth and hormonal fluctuations—it can be a treacherous journey for teens. And although peer pressure has affected this age group for generations, living online has entirely transformed the social landscape for preteens and teens.

Many Kids Suffer From Digital Dependency

Although social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok keep teens connected to their peers, they can also be problematic. Not only can teens be exposed to cyberbullying and fear of missing out online, but social media often fuels unhealthy self-comparison to unrealistic images of beauty or material success. And no matter what precautions we as parents take, our kids may be exposed to unsafe connections and sexual content online without our knowledge.

Unfortunately, many adolescent children who lived through the COVID-19 shutdown were significantly impacted by the ensuing lack of socialization and, perhaps, physical activity. Being stuck at home without school as an outlet deprived them of social skills at a critical period of development. What’s more, the COVID-19 disruption might have exacerbated an unhealthy reliance on digital communication over face-to-face interaction.

Now more than ever, the pubescent and adolescent years can be challenging. For teenage children experiencing mental health issues related to anxiety, depression, or trauma, therapy can be pivotal. By addressing such issues as identity, LGBTQ+ exploration, bullying, body image, and low self-esteem, youth counseling can help your teen transition into a healthy young adult. 



Teen Counseling Provides Your Child With The Tools They Need To Flourish And Create Real-Life Interactions

We applaud you for considering therapy for your teen or preteen at this critical juncture in their development. As a holistically-centered practice that takes a solutions-focused approach to counseling, we want to assure you that as worried as you may be about your teen, there is hope for them today and for their future.

Whether your child’s mental health has been challenged by the transition from one school to another or the complexities of divorce, adoption, or blended families, we specialize in helping children aged 8 through 19 develop helpful life skills and shape a value system they can take with them into adulthood. By gently guiding your teen or preteen on a journey of self-discovery, our counselors aim to make therapy authentic, relatable, and a positive experience for them.

What To Expect In Teen Counseling

At by the willow, we take special care to ensure your teen feels comfortable, safe, and welcome to share what they’re thinking and feeling, whether or not they feel like talking. In therapy sessions, we will honor your child’s story while creating an individualized experience that is more palatable for them, whether by providing them with markers for drawing or fidget toys to busy their hands. Utilizing experiential activities—such as art, music, journaling, play, or sand tray therapy—allows for authentic moments to arise where real growth can happen, both in-person and in virtual sessions. 

We provide a fun and "at-ease" experience by establishing a casual, conversational tone with your child. By being transparent and vulnerable, the counselor will not only help build rapport and trust with your teen but will also model how to cultivate and maintain their own friendships. We have found that teens thrive in counseling when we establish a healthy balance between independence and parent involvement. If you would benefit from additional support at this time, we have team members available who offer individual therapy customized for parents.

The Modalities We Use In Counseling For Teens 

We tailor the modalities we incorporate into therapy for teens—such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Internal Family Systems (IFS), Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)—to correlate with your child’s needs and desires. For example, DBT provides kids with valuable skills, such as stress tolerance and emotional regulation, while ACT can help teens and preteens explore their values and make choices in alignment with their authentic selves.  

Taking small courageous steps in counseling can significantly impact your teen, not just now but in years to come. Our strength-based and hope-filled approach to therapy offers empowerment and positive guidance to youth. We strive to foster self-confidence in your child as they continue to grow, apply new skills, and find their place in the world. 

But You May Have More Questions About Teen Counseling…

My teen is already over-scheduled as it is—I don’t think we can fit in time for therapy. 

We understand that the teenage years are already busy and that finding time for therapy in addition to everything else, can be challenging. However, counseling for adolescents offers support at a critical period of your child’s life that can have a long-term impact on their mental health, especially if they struggle with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, or bullying. To ensure therapy is accessible to teens and preteens, by the willow offers the convenience of Telehealth and in-person sessions that can be scheduled around busy school, sports, and family schedules. 

My teen is reluctant to attend counseling because they are concerned sessions with the therapist won’t be confidential.

We know that maintaining confidentiality in therapy is especially important for adolescents, as they often value their privacy above all else. Youth counseling begins with a free Telehealth online consultation with you, your teen, and the counselor. We invite your child into the initial experience to help ease future in-person or online sessions with the counselor. Your therapist will give an explicit explanation of the confidentiality policies to help both of you feel comfortable with the therapy process.

What if my teen is worried that they will be judged or misunderstood by the counselor?

With therapy for adolescents, we honor your teen’s opinions and will ensure to pair your child with a therapist they feel comfortable with. Their counselor will enjoy getting to know them through casual conversations that infuse humor and vulnerability, reassuring your teen that nothing they talk about will be judged. Establishing a sense of safety and trust with your preteen or teenage child is the first step to ensure that therapy will be a positive, healing experience. 

Allow Us To Partner With You And Help Your Teen Thrive

Providing your teen with a safe space to express how they feel can help facilitate their growth and well-being. There is hope for them today and for their future. If you would like to find out more about counseling for teens at by the willow, either online or in-person, please visit our contact us page or call (303) 335-0215 to schedule a free 20-minute Telehealth or phone consultation.


[1] https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/major-depression

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