Wedding Nerves: Calming Anxiety When Getting Married

Your wedding should be one of the best days of your life. It’s a day that most people dream of from the time they’re young. It’s the start of a new chapter where you get to create an extension of your family. 

Being anxious about a wedding is normal, but it can also become problematic. If your anxiety is starting to be more than cold feet, it’s important to find ways to overcome it. 

Take A Deep Breath

Perspective surrounding your wedding is going to be key. It’s very easy to get wrapped up in all of the to-dos, decisions to be made, details to be hammered out, and stress that inevitably comes with it. 

If there is anything known about weddings, it’s that there are plenty of twists and unknowns. It’s important that you remember to take a pause, take a deep breath, and know that it will all work out in the end. 

Create A To-Do List

wedding planning checklist

During your process, there’s going to be a lot to remember and a lot that needs to get done. In order to keep yourself organized, start working with a to-do list. Have short-term and long-term lists where you can have a running task list. 

Having large tasks broken up into smaller ones can make them seem less overwhelming. Using a to-do list can keep you on track and be a reference point for whenever you start to feel stressed. 

Tackle Issues As A Team

While every couple will have their own unique experiences, there are a few common themes that cause stress during the wedding process. Those include the wedding vision, the wedding party, and financial issues. 

Many people have must-haves for their big day. Choose your most important ones and discuss them with each other to smooth out any uncertainties. 

Finally, the budget can become a big deal. Before you make any major decisions, make sure you convene with your spouse and any family members who are donating to the cause to make sure you’re all on the same page.

Take Some "Me" Time

Where your wedding is concerned, it’s normal to feel like you need to be involved in every last detail. Weddings can become all-consuming. 

For your mental well-being, it’s important that you take some time for yourself, even if that means taking a small step away. Delegate if you need to. Take a pause when it’s necessary. Having a clear mind and reduced stress will set you up for success. 

Practicing relaxation strategies or mindfulness techniques can be a good tool for this process. Mental health days away from planning and work can also be effective. 

Talk With Your Partner

Weddings are stressful. That stress can quickly and easily pile up making this experience less than enjoyable. With all the tasks that come up before the wedding, all the way up until the day of, you’re going to need to lean on your partner now more than ever. 

When you’re starting to feel anxious, be honest with yourself and your soon-to-be spouse. Acknowledging the anxiety and then talking through it can be very freeing.

Life is going to throw plenty of curves your way over the future years. Part of entering a marriage is to have someone you can depend on to support you through any challenge. Now is a great starting point to strengthen this bond with your partner. 

Talk With A Professional

Sometimes the anxiety can become more than you can handle on your own. There’s no shame in that. You want this to be a positive experience, so don’t be afraid to do what you need to do to manage any anxiety you’re having. Contact us to learn about couples therapy and how we can help. 


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