Finding Balance as a Highly Productive Person

You seem to always be commended for being productive. Whether at work, school or at home, you know how to hustle and complete your tasks. And you get them done right.

We live in a society that tells us that the busier we are, the more successful we are. So we fill our calendars and responsibilities up with as much as possible. It's keeping up with the Jones' except for every aspect of our lives.

The result? We are all burned out.

The more productive you are, the less time you have to live a healthy balanced life.  Although it might be impossible to feel completely balanced, there are definitely strides you can take to get you there.

Tips For a Better Work-Life Balance

Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries, whether they be at work or in relationships, is an important foundation to start with.

Most people fear telling their coworkers or bosses no. When you are used to setting the bar high for yourself and others, there is an expectation that you continue down this path. However, at some point, learning to set this boundary is important.

When you are striving to be the best, you likely have an inner urge to continue to take on more obligations. Unfortunately, this is when balance begins to decline. You might work longer hours to get everything done or even bring work home.  Even if you are leaving work at the office, you may end up spending most of your evening worrying about what you have to get done the next day.

Here are two boundaries you can begin setting for yourself at work.

  1. Let your boss know that you can't take on another project until you get at least another one wrapped up. Don't be afraid to tell your coworkers who want your assistance with something that you are swamped with your own obligations. It might feel downright scary to do, but it will benefit you in the long-run.

  2. During your off-time (after hours, weekends, or while on vacation) don't check your emails or management systems. Your time is truly your own. You should never feel obligated to still be checking up on work-related matters if you aren't actually on the clock or if it's not an absolute necessity.

Give Yourself Breaks

Throughout the day, give yourself a small break. Even if it's only five minutes to get up and stretch to loosen your limbs, it still counts. If you find you work really well with schedules, schedule yourself a break or two throughout the day. Breaks can majorly relieve stress. And, even better - it's proven that small mental breaks throughout the day can actually increase productivity!

Pay Attention to How You Work

You might be productive, but are you being efficient with your time? You might be able to get a lot done, but that isn't as useful if you are having to work 10+ hours to get it all done!

Sometimes, we don't realize how much more efficient we could be if we learn different skills to get things done. Maybe for you, that could be setting a schedule throughout the day to keep on track. Or, you might find that utilizing tools that streamline production could be useful.


Finding the right balance between hustling at work while still having a life outside of it is something most of us struggle with. Especially when we live in a demanding world that prefers productivity over relaxation.

However important work may be, mental health is even more so. Burnout is a very real condition and it can lead to mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

If you are interested in learning more about therapy for professionals, don't hesitate to reach out to us soon.


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